(Quick Reference)

2 Usage - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 1.0.1

2 Usage

The first step is to install the plugin:

grails install-plugin heroku


There is currently only one configuration option for the plugin, specified in Config.groovy:

grails.plugin.heroku.datasource. disableTimeoutAutoconfigurationfalsedisables auto-configuration of DataSource connection timeout checking if true

Creating an application

The general steps for creating a Grails application are (not necessarily in order):

  • create and develop the application like any other application
  • install the heroku plugin
  • install the mongodb, redis-gorm, rabbitmq, and/or memcached plugins depending on which Heroku services you'll be using
  • add the Heroku services you'll be using from the web interface (http://addons.heroku.com/) or with the heroku addons:add command
  • create a local Git repo and commit your application files to it
  • create the application on Heroku with the heroku create command
  • deploy the application to Heroku's servers using git push

See the tutorial in the next section for a detailed walkthrough of the required and optional steps.

Session management

As of this writing, there's no support at Heroku for session affinity or clustered sessions. So if you run more than one instance of your application, clients will connect to different instances for different requests. This will result in a different session on each server and will break any feature that depends on a consistent session. This includes flash scope and request chaining, but also security implementations such as Spring Security that keep your authentication information in the session; after successfully authenticating you're likely to end up on an instance that doesn't have the authentication information in its session and you'll appear to not be logged in. Even if this doesn't happen immediately, at some point you're likely to land on another instance and have to log in again.

To work around this the plugin depends on the database-session plugin. This plugin stores session data in the database and trades having a single shared session across all instances for a (hopefully) small increase in database access. The plugin is new and hasn't been extensively tested, so make sure it works for your use cases before using it in an important application. If you choose to not use the database-session plugin you can either disable it by adding

grails.plugin.databasesession.enabled = false

to Config.groovy, or not install it by excluding it in BuildConfig.groovy:

plugins {
   compile(':heroku:1.0.1') {
      exclude 'database-session'

Using the Spring Security Core plugin

There are a few things to be aware of when using the spring-security-core plugin with Heroku. One is the session management issue described above. Another is a more general problem with plugin dependencies that affects the spring-security-core plugin in Grails 2.0 applications. Due to changes in plugin resolution for 2.0, when the war is built the installed plugins' dependent plugins won't be resolved. So the webxml plugin that the spring-security-core plugin depends on won't be resolved and you'll see IllegalStateExceptions for all requests. This is the same issue that requires that you explicitly declare a dependency on the cloud-support plugin (see the tutorials for examples of this). The workaround is simple; just declare an explicit dependency for all plugins that would otherwise be transitively installed, e.g.

plugins {

compile ':spring-security-core:' compile ':webxml:1.4.1' compile ':heroku:1.0.1' compile ':cloud-support:1.0.8' }

If you're using 1.3.7 you can omit the webxml and cloud-support dependencies since they'll be resolved, but it doesn't hurt to have them there and will make upgrading to 2.0 easier.

A third issue has to do with SSL and channel security. Heroku uses F5 BIG-IP load balancers that affect how SSL is managed, so the default behavior of checking if a request is secure or insecure won't work. To address this just add a property in Config.groovy to enable checking for the request header value that their load balancers add:

grails.plugins.springsecurity.secureChannel.useHeaderCheckChannelSecurity = true

This feature is only available in version and higher of the spring-security-core plugin, so be sure to upgrade if you're using an older version.