(Quick Reference)

2 Usage - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 1.0

2 Usage

The first step is to install the plugin, either as a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:

plugins {
   // open-ended syntax supported in Grails 2.0+
   build ':jbossas:[1.0,)'

// or fixed version for pre-2.0 //build ':jbossas:1.0' }

or with install-plugin

grails install-plugin jbossas


JBoss configures Log4j and it can conflict with the Grails configuration and jars, so the plugin supports deleting conflicting jars and removing the autoconfiguration that Grails puts in web.xml. You can configure whether these features are enabled and which jars to delete with the configuration options described below.


The Hibernate jars that JBoss uses can conflict with the ones Grails supplies, and this can cause the error java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.hibernate.validator.ClassValidator.<init>. To work around this you can configure two properties in DataSource.groovy:

hibernate {
   validator.apply_to_ddl = false
   validator.autoregister_listeners = false

but the plugin will do this for you programmatically when deploying unless you disable it with the grails.plugin.jbossas.fixHibernateValidator option.

generate-jboss-deploy script

After installing the plugin you need to run the generate-jboss-deploy script, passing in the major version of JBoss that you're using, i.e.

grails generate-jboss-deploy 5


grails generate-jboss-deploy 6

This will generate the appropriate deployment descriptors for your version of JBoss (jboss-web.xml, jboss-classloading.xml, and/or jboss-scanning.xml).

In addition there is code in the plugin's _Events.groovy script that fires when a war is built.


The plugin uses template files in its src/templates directory to generate the various descriptor files with the generate-jboss-deploy script. You can use your own with the grails.plugin.jbossas.templates property, e.g.

grails.plugin.jbossas.templates = [
   'jboss-web-5.xml':          'path/to/my-jboss-web-5.xml',
   'jboss-classloading-6.xml': 'path/to/my-jboss-classloading-6.xml',
   'jboss-scanning-6.xml':     'path/to/my-jboss-scanning-6.xml']

The key jboss-web-5.xml is used to generate the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file for JBoss 5 and the keys jboss-classloading-6.xml and jboss-scanning-6.xml are used to generate the WEB-INF/jboss-classloading.xml and WEB-INF/jboss-scanning.xml files for JBoss 6.


There are a few configuration options for the plugin, specified in Config.groovy:

grails.plugin.jbossas.fixHibernateValidatortrueconfigure the hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl and hibernate.validator.autoregister_listeners properties if true
grails.plugin.jbossas.removeLog4jWebxmltrueremove the Log4jConfigListener listener element from web.xml if true
grails.plugin.jbossas.removeLog4jJarstrueremove the various Log4j-related jar files from the war if true
grails.plugin.jbossas.deleteJarPatterns['log4j', 'slf4j', 'jcl-over-slf4j', 'jul-to-slf4j']jar file name patterns to be removed if grails.plugin.jbossas.removeLog4jJars is true
grails.plugin.jbossas.templatesnonepath overrides for the templates used to generate deployment file templates