Groovy Documentation

[Groovy] Class PluginConfigurationImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
PluginConfiguration, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware

class PluginConfigurationImpl

Bean for declaring and accessing plugin config Plugins declare the config they support, the expected types, validators and default values This means they do not have to supply/merge default values into Config. The values of these settings provided by the user are read from /grails-app/conf/PluginConfig.groovy so that they can be merged in and validated Config priority is in this order: 1. Values supplied by the application in Config.groovy 2. Values supplied in PluginConfig.groovy 3. Default values specified by the declaring plugin

Field Summary
protected java.util.Map legacyPluginConfigurationEntries

protected java.util.List pluginConfigurationEntries

Property Summary
static java.lang.String PLUGIN_CONFIG_CLASS

org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext

java.lang.Object grailsApplication

java.lang.Object injectedMethods

java.lang.Object log

java.lang.Object pluginManager

Constructor Summary

Method Summary
void applyAppPluginConfiguration(groovy.util.ConfigObject appPluginConfig)

Load plugin config settigns from PluginConfig.groovy and merge into main app config

void applyConfig()

Take app config, merge in config from PluginConfig.groovy and then doWithConfig blocks, and validate the whole lot according to doWithConfigOptions

void applyPluginConfigurationDefaultValuesAndConstraints()

Apply plugin-supplied config defaults for declared config values if values are missing and then validate

void clearCaches()

java.util.List getAllEntries()

Get information about all the declared plugin config variables

groovy.util.ConfigObject getPluginConfig(java.lang.String pluginName)

Return the plugin-specific ConfigObject for the given plugin

groovy.util.ConfigObject getPluginConfigFor(java.lang.Object objectInstance)

Get pluginConfig for any object, determined by the plugin in which is was defined

protected void loadConfigurationOptions()

Load up all the doWithConfigOptions metadata

protected groovy.util.ConfigObject loadPluginConfig()

void mergeConfigs(groovy.util.ConfigObject newConfig, groovy.util.ConfigObject oldConfig)

Merge new into old, working around the problems with merging ConfigObjects that already have values or already have empty nodes in the old one

void mergeDoWithConfig()

Load cross-plugin doWithConfig configuration and merge into main app config

void migrateLegacyConfigValues(boolean overwriteExisting)

Find any config values that start with legacy prefixes from doWithConfigOptions and copy them into the correct plugin namespace so that plugins only need to check the new location

groovy.util.ConfigObject parseConfigClosure(groovy.lang.Closure c)

Take a Closure and use it as config, returns a ConfigObject

void reload()

groovy.util.ConfigObject safeConfigMerge(java.util.Map config, java.util.Map other)

Copies values from other into config, only if no value already exists in config Impl works around bug with other containing empty ConfigObject that obliterate non-Map valus in config

protected void setConfigValueByPath(java.lang.String fullPath, java.lang.Object value, boolean overwriteExisting = true)

Set an app config value using a full string path key

void verifyConfig()

Warn the user if any plugin.x config exists that is not declared by a plugin

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()

Field Detail


protected java.util.Map legacyPluginConfigurationEntries


protected java.util.List pluginConfigurationEntries

Property Detail


static final java.lang.String PLUGIN_CONFIG_CLASS


org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext


java.lang.Object grailsApplication


java.lang.Object injectedMethods


final java.lang.Object log


java.lang.Object pluginManager

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


void applyAppPluginConfiguration(groovy.util.ConfigObject appPluginConfig)
Load plugin config settigns from PluginConfig.groovy and merge into main app config


void applyConfig()
Take app config, merge in config from PluginConfig.groovy and then doWithConfig blocks, and validate the whole lot according to doWithConfigOptions


void applyPluginConfigurationDefaultValuesAndConstraints()
Apply plugin-supplied config defaults for declared config values if values are missing and then validate


void clearCaches()


java.util.List getAllEntries()
Get information about all the declared plugin config variables


groovy.util.ConfigObject getPluginConfig(java.lang.String pluginName)
Return the plugin-specific ConfigObject for the given plugin
pluginName - the BEAN notation name of the plugin e.g. beanFields


groovy.util.ConfigObject getPluginConfigFor(java.lang.Object objectInstance)
Get pluginConfig for any object, determined by the plugin in which is was defined


protected void loadConfigurationOptions()
Load up all the doWithConfigOptions metadata


protected groovy.util.ConfigObject loadPluginConfig()


void mergeConfigs(groovy.util.ConfigObject newConfig, groovy.util.ConfigObject oldConfig)
Merge new into old, working around the problems with merging ConfigObjects that already have values or already have empty nodes in the old one


void mergeDoWithConfig()
Load cross-plugin doWithConfig configuration and merge into main app config


void migrateLegacyConfigValues(boolean overwriteExisting)
Find any config values that start with legacy prefixes from doWithConfigOptions and copy them into the correct plugin namespace so that plugins only need to check the new location


groovy.util.ConfigObject parseConfigClosure(groovy.lang.Closure c)
Take a Closure and use it as config, returns a ConfigObject


void reload()


groovy.util.ConfigObject safeConfigMerge(java.util.Map config, java.util.Map other)
Copies values from other into config, only if no value already exists in config Impl works around bug with other containing empty ConfigObject that obliterate non-Map valus in config


protected void setConfigValueByPath(java.lang.String fullPath, java.lang.Object value, boolean overwriteExisting = true)
Set an app config value using a full string path key


void verifyConfig()
Warn the user if any plugin.x config exists that is not declared by a plugin


Groovy Documentation