(Quick Reference)

3 Tutorials - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 2.0-RC2

3 Tutorials

In this tutorial we'll cover
  • creating a sample application
  • installing the plugin
  • configuring the plugin
  • using the account linking workflow
  • using the registration workflow

First, create a new application:

$ grails create-app openidtest
$ cd openidtest

Install the OpenID plugin by adding a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:

plugins {
   runtime ':spring-security-openid:2.0-RC1'

This will also install the Spring Security Core plugin since it's a dependency of this one.

Run the s2-quickstart script to initialize the core plugin:

$ grails s2-quickstart com.openidtest User Role

To support the remember-me checkbox, run the s2-create-persistent-token script to generate a domain class for persistent tokens:

$ grails s2-create-persistent-token com.openidtest.PersistentLogin

To support linking one or more OpenIDs with local accounts, we need to create an OpenID domain class:

$ grails s2-create-openid com.openidtest.OpenID

and edit the generated user class and add a hasMany for an openIds property:

package com.openidtest

class User {

transient springSecurityService

String username String password boolean enabled = true boolean accountExpired boolean accountLocked boolean passwordExpired

static hasMany = [openIds: OpenID]

static transients = ['springSecurityService']

static constraints = { username blank: false, unique: true password blank: false }

static mapping = { password column: '`password`' }

Set<Role> getAuthorities() { UserRole.findAllByUser(this).collect { it.role } as Set }

def beforeInsert() { encodePassword() }

def beforeUpdate() { if (isDirty('password')) { encodePassword() } }

protected void encodePassword() { password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password) } }

Now create some test users and grant them some roles in grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy:

import com.openidtest.Role
import com.openidtest.User
import com.openidtest.UserRole

class BootStrap {

def init = { servletContext -> def roleAdmin = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save() def roleUser = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save()

def user = new User(username: 'user', password: 'password', enabled: true).save() def admin = new User(username: 'admin', password: 'password', enabled: true).save()

UserRole.create user, roleUser UserRole.create admin, roleUser UserRole.create admin, roleAdmin, true } }

The plugin contains an OpenIdController but it'll be more natural to access its createAccount action under /login/ and we also want to use this controller's auth action instead of the core plugin's LoginController.auth since this one supports both OpenID and regular username/password logins, so add mappings in grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy to support these changes:

class UrlMappings {

static mappings = {

"/login/auth" { controller = 'openId' action = 'auth' } "/login/openIdCreateAccount" { controller = 'openId' action = 'createAccount' }


} }

Now create a controller that's secured with annotations for testing:

$ grails create-controller secure

and add this code:

package openidtest

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured

class SecureController {

@Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN']) def admins() { render 'Logged in with ROLE_ADMIN' }

@Secured(['ROLE_USER']) def users() { render 'Logged in with ROLE_USER' } }

and finally we're ready to run the app:

$ grails run-app

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/admins and you should be prompted with the login screen. Leave the Use OpenID checkbox checked and enter a valid OpenID. Don't check the remember-me checkbox yet (it doesn't work with the extended workflows where you create a new user or link an OpenID) and click the "Log in" button.

After authenticating at the OpenID provider, you'll be redirected to the registration page. Note that there's a link to just associate the current OpenID with a local account - for now click the "link this OpenID" link.

At the next screen enter the username and password for the user we created in BootStrap with ROLE_ADMIN ('admin'/'password') and you will be redirected to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/admins

To test that the OpenID is linked to your account, logout by navigating to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/logout/ and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/admins. Logging out removes the remember-me cookie, so authenticate again with your OpenID (this time check the remember-me checkbox) and it should skip the register/link step and go directly to the secured page. You can also repeat the process and switch to the username/password login and use that.

To test remember-me, close the browser and re-open it, and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/admins. It should skip the authentication step entirely and show the page.

User Registration

Now let's create a new user associated with an OpenID. Logout again and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/users to initiate a login for a resource that requires ROLE_USER.

Since you've already associated the previous OpenID with a user, you either need to use a second OpenID, or restart the application to clear out the in-memory database.

Login using either the new OpenID or the original after restarting, and after authenticating externally you'll be redirected to the registration page. This time create a new user. By default the password validation rules are rather strict and you can change them, but for now enter a password that's at least 8 characters and contains at least one number and at least one symbol (e.g. !, #, $, %, etc.)

You should be redirected to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/users after creating the account. Now logout and log back in, both with the username/password for the account you created and the OpenID you linked and both should work.

3.2 Plain OpenID

In the previous tutorial we went through two workflows to allow linking OpenIDs to local accounts. Another option is to only support OpenID logins but not associate them with local accounts. This might be useful if you want to allow people to perform some basic actions like clicking Like and Don't Like buttons, adding comments, etc.

To support this, rather than showing the registration page when an authenticated OpenID user is redirected to your controller, you could just create an Authentication for them with dummy information. Recall that the minimum requirements to populate a UserDetails instance are the username, the status booleans (enabled, locked out, etc.) and one or more granted authorities. You could emulate a basic application user by using their OpenID as the username, setting all statuses to true, and granting them a virtual role, e.g. ROLE_OPENID.

Copy the plugin's grails.plugin.springsecurity.openid.OpenIdController.groovy to your application's grails-app/controllers directory and replace the existing createAccount action with this:

def createAccount() {

def config = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig

String openId = session[OpenIdAuthenticationFailureHandler.LAST_OPENID_USERNAME] if (!openId) { flash.error = 'Sorry, an OpenID was not found' redirect uri: config.failureHandler.defaultFailureUrl return }

def user = new GrailsUser(openId, 'password', true, true, true, true, [new SimpleGrantedAuthority('ROLE_OPENID')], 0)

SCH.context.authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( user, 'password', user.authorities)

session.removeAttribute OpenIdAuthenticationFailureHandler.LAST_OPENID_USERNAME session.removeAttribute OpenIdAuthenticationFailureHandler.LAST_OPENID_ATTRIBUTES

def savedRequest = requestCache.getRequest(request, response) if (savedRequest && !config.successHandler.alwaysUseDefault) { redirect url: savedRequest.redirectUrl } else { redirect uri: config.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl } }

You'll need to add these imports:

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser
import org.springframework.security.core.authority.SimpleGrantedAuthority
import org.springframework.security.core.context.SecurityContextHolder as SCH

To test this, add a new action to the secure controller that requires the virtual ROLE_OPENID role:

package openidtest

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured

class SecureController {

@Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN']) def admins() { render 'Logged in with ROLE_ADMIN' }

@Secured(['ROLE_USER']) def users() { render 'Logged in with ROLE_USER' }

@Secured(['ROLE_OPENID']) def openid() { render 'Logged in with ROLE_OPENID' } }

Then start the server with grails run-app and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openidtest/secure/openid, and login using any OpenID. Once you authenticate and get redirected back to your application you should see the text Logged in with ROLE_OPENID indicating that you're logged in as a basic OpenID user.

Note that since this is a fake role, there's no need to store it in the database since real application users will never be granted ROLE_OPENID.