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Application - Class in grails.plugins.rx.init


bindData(Object, Object, Map, String) - Method in Rx
Implements the bind data method for Rx responses
bindData(Object, Object, Map, String) - Method in RxHelper
Implements the bind data method for Rx responses


close() - Method in SseWriter
completionStrategy - Field in RxResultSubscriber
CONTENT_TYPE_EVENT_STREAM - Field in RxResultTransformer
For handling exceptions
convert(String) - Method in ForwardResult
create(Long, Closure<T>) - Method in Rx
Create a new observable result for the given closure.
create(Long, Closure<T>) - Method in RxHelper
Create a new observable result for the given closure.


DATA_PREFIX - Field in RxResultSubscriber
The prefix for server sent events
doWithSpring() - Method in RxjavaGrailsPlugin


event(Map, Closure) - Method in Rx
Creates a Server Sent Events event using the given groovy.lang.Closure to generate the data.
event(Closure) - Method in RxHelper
Use a Closure to create a Server Sent Event.
execute() - Method in ForwardResult
execute() - Method in RenderClosureResult
execute() - Method in RenderConverterResult
execute() - Method in RenderMapResult
execute() - Method in RenderMapWritableResult
execute() - Method in RenderObjectResult
execute() - Method in RenderTextResult
execute() - Method in RespondResult
execute() - Method in RxResult
Execute the given result for the result of an observable


forward(GrailsWebRequest, AsyncContext) - Method in ForwardResult
forward(Map) - Method in Rx
Executes a forward
forward(Map) - Method in RxHelper
Executes a forward
ForwardResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Implements forwarding for an Async response
ForwardResult(Map) - Constructor in ForwardResult
fromBody(HttpServletRequest) - Method in Rx
Creates an observable from the request body
fromBody(HttpServletRequest) - Method in RxHelper
Creates an observable from the request body


getParams() - Method in ForwardResult







main(String) - Method in Application


NewObservableResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
Creates a new observable from the given closure
NewObservableResult(Closure<T>, Long, TimeUnit) - Constructor in NewObservableResult


ObservableRenderer - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.renderer
A renderer for observables
ObservableResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
@author Graeme Rocher
ObservableResult(Observable<T>, Long, TimeUnit) - Constructor in ObservableResult
onComplete(AsyncEvent) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
onError(AsyncEvent) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
onNext(Object) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
onStartAsync(AsyncEvent) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
onSubscribe(Disposable) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
onTimeout(AsyncEvent) - Method in RxResultSubscriber




redirect(Object) - Method in Rx
@throws CannotRedirectException Redirects are not possible in asynchronous requests
render(Observable, RenderContext) - Method in ObservableRenderer
render(Map, Writable) - Method in Rx
Executes render for the given arguments and writable
render(Map, Writable) - Method in RxHelper
Executes render for the given arguments and writable
RenderClosureResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Handles the render method that accepts a closure
RenderClosureResult(Closure, Map) - Constructor in RenderClosureResult
RenderConverterResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Created by graemerocher on 25/07/2016.
RenderConverterResult(Converter) - Constructor in RenderConverterResult
RenderMapResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Handlers the render method that takes a map
RenderMapWritableResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
@author Graeme Rocher
RenderMapWritableResult(Writable, Map) - Constructor in RenderMapWritableResult
RenderObjectResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Implements the render method for Rx responses
RenderTextResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
Implements the render method for Rx responses
RenderTextResult(CharSequence, Map) - Constructor in RenderTextResult
respond(def, Map) - Method in Rx
The respond method will attempt to delivery an appropriate response for the requested response format and value.
respond(def, Map) - Method in RxHelper
The respond method will attempt to delivery an appropriate response for the requested response format and value.
RespondResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
RxResult for ther respond method
RespondResult(Object, Map) - Constructor in RespondResult
Rx - Class in grails.rx.web
Methods usable with RxJava observable transformations in order to control the final controller response
RxCompletionStrategy - Enum in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
@author Graeme Rocher
RxController - Trait in grails.rx.web
Helps creating Rx responses
RxHelper - Class in grails.rx.web.helper
Helper methods for creating Rx responses
RxjavaGrailsPlugin - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx
RxResult - Trait in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.result
@author Graeme Rocher
RxResultSubscriber - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
RxResultSubscriber(GrailsAsyncContext, GrailsExceptionResolver, LinkGenerator, GrailsControllerClass, Controller) - Constructor in RxResultSubscriber
RxResultTransformer - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
An org.grails.web.servlet.mvc.ActionResultTransformer that transforms return values of type java.util.Observable.


sendDefaultError(Throwable, HttpServletResponse) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
setRendererRegistry(RendererRegistry) - Method in ObservableRenderer
SseResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.sse
A Server Sent Events event that can be written to an event stream
SseWriter - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web.sse
SseWriter(Writer, String) - Constructor in SseWriter
stream(Closure) - Method in Rx
Start a streaming Server-Send event response for the given closure which is converted to an asynchronous task
stream(Closure) - Method in RxHelper
Start a streaming Server-Send event response for the given closure which is converted to an asynchronous task
StreamingNewObservableResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
A new observable that is streaming
StreamingObservableResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
Indicates a Comet streaming response should be created
StreamingResult - Trait in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
A result that is streaming


timeoutInMillis() - Method in TimeoutResult
The timeout, null indicates use the default container timeout
TimeoutResult - Class in org.grails.plugins.rx.web
A result that provides a timeout
TimeoutResult(Long, TimeUnit) - Constructor in TimeoutResult
toSseString(String) - Method in SseResult
transformActionResult(GrailsWebRequest, String, Object, boolean) - Method in RxResultTransformer




withRequest(Closure<T>) - Method in RxResultSubscriber
Wrap the given closure in asynchronous request processing
withTimeout(Observable<T>, Long, TimeUnit) - Method in Rx
Return an observable with the given timeout to be used with the container.
withTimeout(Observable<T>, Long, TimeUnit) - Method in RxHelper
Return an observable with the given timeout to be used with the container.
write(String, int, int) - Method in SseWriter
writeTo(Writer) - Method in SseResult





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